

Abortion has been causing controversy for several years. On one side it’s wrong to kill an unborn child. But can we even be certain it can feel the pain?

There are millions of rapes and secrete breading going on around the world. Those poor woman- girls, even young girls didn’t sign up for this. It was not consensual and it was wrong but the men don’t care. And these females are forced to have these kids and those kids don’t deserve any of this. They have to live with the reminder that they were raped, they have to live with the sweet and obvious child who only wants to be lobed. And it will never be my the mothers because they are broken. And all that could’ve simply fixed all this was an abortion. The fetus wouldn’t have been born and it wouldn’t have to live an awful life with a broken mother who can’t even look at their direction.

But on one hand we’re murdering a fetus. On one hand, it’s considered murder. But these young teen moms made a mistake and when they learn they can’t get an abortion because of the state they live in declines them the right, they have no other choice. They start to hurt themselves. Slowly, killing the baby inside of them. And when someone finds out they go to jail, if anyone even finds outs.

So maybe abortions would make everything easier, but it won’t exactly take away the pain. But it will make it easier to endure the hurt.

– pretty last minute- I wrote this on the bus- lol but ya cool. Until next time, Aeden.

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